Why errors and omissions coverage matters for every legal professional


When Jack Smith’s* clients were slapped with a $47,000 development charge, they were astounded. Jack had made an honest mistake in failing to advise them about this charge and that there was no cap on it.

To maintain their reputation and keep their clients happy, the law firm got to work fixing things, and was able to negotiate with the builder to cut the charge to $10,000. Based on a reasonable industry standard, the purchaser of a new home could expect to pay $7,500 in development charges so the clients paid up to that amount and the firm covered the remainder. The end result? Deal closed, client satisfied, and Jack was out $2,500.

Luckily for Jack, he was protected by his E&O Complete insurance. He submitted a claim to FCT and was reimbursed for the full $2,500 he’d paid to smooth things over with the client.

If you were in a similar situation, would you have been protected?

We understand that mistakes happen, which is why we offer a suite of products to complement your mandatory errors and omissions insurance. We provide reimbursements for losses resulting from claims against your mandatory E&O insurance for residential and commercial real estate transactions. This includes your standard deductible payment and any increase in premium.

For coverage like Jack’s, sign up for E&O Complete and get more protection.



* Name changed to protect the privacy of the insured


Insurance by FCT Insurance Company Ltd. Services by First Canadian Title Company Limited. The services company does not provide insurance products. This material is intended to provide general information only. For specific coverage and exclusions, refer to the applicable policy. Copies are available upon request. Insurance brokerage services by FCT Insurance Services Inc.  Some products/services may vary by province. Prices and products/services offered are subject to change without notice.


®Registered Trademark of First American Financial Corporation.

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