EasyFundTM has been adopted by many legal professionals in Alberta and Nova Scotia as the easiest method to manage the transfer of real estate closing funds online. It reduces the need for certified cheques, bank drafts, direct deposits and couriers, saving you time, money and reducing risk.
Did you know that the typical transfer process without EasyFund requires over 25 steps? EasyFund lets you manage the payouts of your real estate transaction quickly and effortlessly without leaving the office, in three easy steps:
1. Real estate clerk creates wire transfer based on the other lawyer’s void cheque
2. Lawyer approves
3. Lawyer sends a copy of wire confirmation to the other lawyer
However, here at FCT, we’re not content to rest on our laurels, so we’ve been looking at ways to make EasyFund even easier to use—and we’ve succeeded!
We’re serious about taking action on the feedback we received from our current users. That’s why we’ve made completing a payout even easier by launching a new Electronic fund transfer (EFT) as a “Payment Method” option. With this option, you now have full control over the banking information entered into EasyFund, eliminating the need to upload a void cheque and manually inputting banking details or creating a separate task in Conveyancer.
Click here to learn more about this product and find out how much you can save with our online EasyFund cost-saving calculator.
*EasyFund is only available in Alberta and Nova Scotia.
Services by First Canadian Title Company Limited. The services company does not provide insurance products. Some products/services may vary by province. Prices and products/services offered are subject to change without notice.
®Registered Trademark of First American Financial Corporation.