This week, we continue to shine the spotlight on our summer students with the final installment in our two-part series. (Please click here for part one.)

Andrew Dias
B.Com. in progress
McMaster University
Andrew is currently studying Commerce at McMaster University. His dream is to start his own accounting firm someday.
Andrew chose to spend his summer working at FCT because he was impressed with the company’s reputation of reliability within the industry. He also saw it as a great opportunity to gain valuable work experience and a deeper understanding of the title insurance industry.
In his spare time, Andrew listens to Drake and enjoys basketball memes.
Andrew is invested in his local community and gives back by coaching younger basketball players, something he has been doing for the last three years.
His greatest challenge so far has been managing the demands of his final exams, a rough three weeks! He has learned to be pragmatic about it, saying, “I realized the only way to get through it is to take everything one day at a time. Once I adopted that mentality, the two weeks that followed were much easier.”
Andrew would like to visit India someday and get in touch with his family’s roots.
If he could travel back in time, he would like to meet the high school version of Kobe Bryant and view first-hand, his determination and drive to become one of the greatest basketball players of all time.

Payton Temprile
BSc in progress
Laurier University
Payton dreams of one day becoming a Physician Assistant and is currently working towards that dream by studying Health Sciences at Laurier University.
She learned of FCT from a friend and through her own research. After finding out about FCT’s placement on the “50 best places to work” list, she was convinced it was the right place for her. She served as a Junior Title Officer where she worked on honing her communications, leadership and conflict resolution skills…and also made some great friends along the way.
When she’s not serving her community though her volunteer work at local hospitals and foodbanks, Payton likes to relax to the music of Ed Sheeran. She also gets a kick out of Spongebob memes.
During her second year in university, Payton was struggling with her Anatomy class. She overcame the challenge by going to her professor after hours for extra help and by engaging in a student peer group that provided a supportive, dynamic learning environment.
Payton would like to travel back to the 1960’s to meet her mom. As she says, “the 1960’s era is a very different time and it would be cool to see how my parents grew up and how different things were compared to now”.

Olivia Santucci
Marketing in progress
Mohawk College
Olivia is currently studying Business Marketing and hopes to have her own business someday. In the meantime, she is doing all she can to gain a wide range of experiences so that she can make a more informed decision about her future.
She has used her time at FCT to learn more about title insurance and the insurance industry in general and hopes to work at FCT in the future.
Olivia volunteers with the Carpenter Hospice for their annual photography event. She has a passion for photography that she uses to give back to her community.
She enjoys relaxing to the music of Bryce Vine.
Olivia was supposed to visit Israel this summer but her plans fell through due to the pandemic. It is still high on her list of places to see, not only for the history but as she says, “they also have great scuba diving which I was really excited about!”
When faced with the challenge of juggling multiple projects and deadlines, Olivia has found that organization is key to being successful.
The person that most inspires her is Lady Gaga—for her work ethic and her ability to remain consistent to her convictions as well as her support for the LGBT community.
We would like to thank all of our summer students for the great work they’ve done over the last few months. We wish them all the best for the future. Maybe we will see you again in 2021!