What would you say if we told you that the average life expectancy for a person experiencing homeless is 39 years, or that 42% of youth in that situation have attempted suicide at least once? What if we told you that nearly 1 in 5 youth who have experienced homelessness in North America has also experienced some form of human trafficking?
Are you shocked by these numbers? We certainly are. We agree that something has to be done but how can we as a community help? This is where Hockey Helps the Homeless comes in.
The reasons for homelessness are many. All are tragic. Hockey Helps the Homeless strives to find solutions that help alleviate the tragedy of homelessness and ensure that fewer people end up on the streets. At FCT this is a cause that is important to us, especially as it impacts youth.
Like Hockey Helps the Homeless, we are also deeply invested in this great effort. We support many organizations that offer programs such as housing and transportation initiatives, mental health support, education, health and wellness, and training and employment. These programs make real differences—but they will only succeed with help from all of us.
This year a team of FCT employees laced up for the 2nd Annual Hockey Helps the Homeless Peel Region tournament. To help support their efforts, colleagues and team members worked feverishly on various fundraising events to help us reach our target. They have succeeded so well, that we surpassed our goal of $25,000!
These donations will help to provide much-needed aid to those in need and truly make a positive impact on someone’s life.
We will continue to work with great organizations like Hockey Helps the Homeless in the coming years to continue the fight against homelessness—and one day, hopefully, homelessness will be eradicated.
Our heartfelt thanks to all of our participants and everyone who donated to this great cause.