Fraud insights centre

At the Fraud Insights Centre, our mission is to continuously raise awareness about title fraud and how it impacts both businesses and consumers. We’re here to equip Canadians with the knowledge and tools it takes to identify and prevent title fraud effectively.

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Title fraud is on the rise, and it’s evolving

In the last 20 years, title fraud has grown much more sophisticated. Technology has transformed fraudsters’ ability to deceive and impersonate—today's fraudsters exploit social media to fabricate property listings, and use remote access tools to carry out illegitimate property transfers. They can leverage AI to disguise their voices and faces for virtual interactions, and even create counterfeit ID documents that can pass in-person inspection.

It’s a new world, and navigating it takes new tools and ways of thinking.



Cyber fraud

Fraud prevention insights

Take a look at our blogs and resources to gain a better understanding of title fraud and what FCT is doing to prevent it and protect consumers and professionals.

For legal professionals:

Man signing document
Three ways you can protect your customers from title fraud

Explore practical steps to safeguard your clients from the risks associated with title fraud.

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New Blog - Let’s hear from the fraud prevention experts Q&A with John Tracy and Marie Taylor
Let’s hear from the fraud prevention experts

This piece offers insights from FCT’s fraud prevention experts, focusing on practices that legal professionals can adopt to detect and prevent fraud.

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Legal professional on his phone
How can ID theft lead to title fraud?

This blog discusses the link between identity theft and title fraud, emphasizing the importance of title insurance in every transaction.

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Lawyer recognizing red flags
Recognizing red flags in legal practice and staying ahead with technology

This webinar is designed for legal professionals looking to enhance their knowledge and skills in identifying and combating fraud in their practice.

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New Blog - What’s next The future of fraud prevention
The past, present, and future of fraud prevention

A comprehensive look at the evolution of fraud prevention over the years and the role of legal professionals in continuing to combat fraud.

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For property owners:

Family walking into new home
How title insurance protects homeowners from title fraud
Learn how the protection title insurance offers against title fraud, including covering legal costs and restoring clear title.
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suburban homes
What’s being done about title fraud?
Explore the measures being taken by FCT to protect homeowners' investments from title fraud.
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Senior Canadians
Canada’s seniors are vulnerable to title fraud

Emphasizes the heightened vulnerability of elderly individuals to title fraud and stresses the necessity of implementing safeguards.

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Woman visibly upset
How can homeowners protect themselves against title fraud?
Provides practical tips for homeowners to safeguard their properties from becoming the next headline of title fraud.
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Title fraud: What every homeowner needs to know [PDF]

Discover more information about title fraud and what homeowners should be aware of by reading this document.

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Frequently asked questions

Title fraud is when someone impersonates the legitimate owner of a property and takes out a mortgage on it, or sells it to an innocent buyer. Title fraud can result in a total loss for the lender on a transaction, while property owners face a stressful and expensive process to have their clear title restored.

Some warning signs include: a suspiciously low sale price, pressure to close the deal quickly without asking questions, instructions to pay out the mortgage to an unrelated third party, and incomplete or inconsistent documentation.

Always use an ID verification tool when onboarding clients. Check the closing documents against each other for inconsistencies in signatures, or personal information. Close every transaction with title insurance in place so that if there is fraud, you and your client are protected.

Report any suspicions to law enforcement, the other professionals involved in the deal, and relevant authorities promptly for investigation. If you’re unsure about a deal, you can reach out to FCT’s underwriting team.

The main role of title insurance in the case of fraud is providing coverage and legal assistance to owners and lenders, but it can also help in prevention by adding underwriting scrutiny to transactions. Always make sure to digitally verify client ID in addition to title insuring the transaction.