Data and analytics

The real estate data you need, delivered how and when you need. Access up-to-date, accurate information from the most geographically expansive property data available.

Your trusted leader in property data

FCT empowers you to make informed data-driven business, compliance, and risk decisions and power innovation for success.
Our broad datasets show our commitment to a comprehensive data strategy. We handle the difficult work of acquisition, transformation and governance so you don’t have to.


As data aggregators, we compare and combine property data across multiple sources and make it available to you in the ways that best accommodate your specific workflows.


We provide access to pre-packaged data products made up of 100s of data points from the residential property industry which can be built directly into your workflow. With decades of experience in real estate transactions, we have an unmatched wealth of insights.


By utilizing strict governing best practices, we ensure that the data is reliable. This level of trust saves valuable time and money by minimizing the need to conduct additional independent verification.

We understand the significance of having accurate and reliable data at your fingertips: it empowers you to
make informed decisions with confidence.

Digital Gateway

Immediately access the property data you need, with no hidden charges or setup fees. Digital Gateway serves as a comprehensive solution for accessing all our property data products via an API, minimizing integration time and costs. Test our data assets before committing to a full build. Sign up for a complimentary developer portal account to explore our API products firsthand.

FCT Know Your Property™

Knowing your property should be as easy as knowing your customer. FCT’s Know Your Property™ solutions provide you with the ability to make decisions based on data for your business. This includes compliance, risk management and fostering innovation for success. Our extensive data sets reflect our unwavering commitment to a comprehensive data strategy.


Get in touch with us today

Here’s how FCT can assist you:

• We handle the complex tasks of acquisition, transformation, and governance, saving you time and effort
• You get seamless access to the data you require, precisely when you need it, through your preferred channel

By leveraging FCT’s Know Your Property™, you can seamlessly integrate accurate and reliable property information directly into your products. Our solutions provide the foundation for success in a variety of areas.

Do you require the current square footage of a property?

Obtain precise and reliable square footage data through a single submission. Our square footage report provides documented square footage for primary residences and applicable secondary structures.

Do you need comprehensive property details for a new mortgage or renewal? Our full property report combines parcel and property information from four distinct sources, covering properties across Canada. This solution provides residential or condo construction details and offers dozens of data points, delivering a comprehensive understanding of the property. It serves as a single destination for comprehensive property intelligence, allowing you to make well-informed decisions and save time.

Are you looking for property value insights or a pulse check? Our market value report provides a current estimate of market value for a specific property within seconds. With a 98% hit rate nationwide for both residential properties and condominiums, our AVM delivers reliable results.

Do you need a comprehensive 360-degree view of your property? Our full property+ report combines full property details with market value information. This comprehensive solution empowers you with a holistic understanding of the property.

Make informed decisions and save time by utilizing our range of Know Your Property™ solutions today.