FCT Blog

What your clients should know about ID verification

Written by FCT | Nov 30, 2023 5:00:00 AM


The real estate industry is changing. More legal professionals are making digital ID verification solutions part of their workflow, as awareness of the technology spreads and compliance requirements shift.

When you ask your clients to submit personally identifying information to complete a transaction, they’ll have questions about how the verification works, and how their information will be used. That’s why we created this resource to answer the most-asked questions about ID verification:


What does ID verification mean?

Digital ID verification solutions are tools that check the validity of government ID much faster and more accurately than a person can.

The technology doesn’t replace the identifying documents, it just confirms that they’re valid, up to date, and that the person holding them is who they say they are.


Why is digital ID verification necessary?

Canada has seen a historic rise in title fraud: criminals posing as the legitimate owners of properties to take out mortgages on them, or even sell them to innocent buyers.

The real owner can’t sell their home or use their equity until they’ve restored their title (clear, marketable ownership of the property). Depending on where the property is located, the owner or the innocent buyer may be in for an expansive legal battle. In any case, restoring a stolen title can cost homeowners tens of thousands of dollars if they don’t have title insurance.

The best way to protect homeowners and buyers from title fraud is to prevent it before it happens. That’s why legal professionals carry out due diligence on every transaction, and why many choose to partner with fraud prevention experts, like FCT.

Preventing fraud means staying ahead of how fraudsters are innovating. Fraudsters are creating more and more sophisticated fakes, able to pass on-camera and even in-person inspection. Enter Client ID Verification.


How does Client ID Verification work?

Client ID Verification lets legal professionals verify their clients’ identities quickly, easily and from anywhere. All the client needs is their smartphone and two pieces of government ID, like a driver’s licence or passport.

They download Bluink’s eID-Me app, take a selfie, and photos of both sides of their ID, then send them to the service provider. The provider completes the process in minutes, before informing the client and the legal professional that the identity has been verified.

Where are clients’ private data kept?

The information submitted to any digital ID verification solution is highly sensitive, which is why Client ID Verification was designed with client security and privacy as a top priority.

During the transaction, third party requests for client information are processed through the app, and only the client has control over who to share it with.

Once the client’s identity has been verified, their information is kept encrypted in a digital wallet on their smartphone, not a central server. They can then use it for faster access to other supported ID-enabled services for up to five years. Alternately, the customer is free to delete their verified ID token from their device at any time.

Legal professionals can verify identities with confidence, and clients can keep their private data private. As title fraud evolves, the best way to prevent it is to evolve as well—learn more about how, with Client ID Verification from FCT.


Insurance by FCT Insurance Company Ltd. Services by First Canadian Title Company Limited. The services company does not provide insurance products. This material is intended to provide general information only. For specific coverage and exclusions, refer to the applicable policy. Copies are available upon request. Some products/services may vary by province. Prices and products/services offered are subject to change without notice.


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